
Notes and thoughts along the road to the truth of Strength

18 Feb 0 Comment

Teach Them Not to Fish But Rather to LOVE Fishing…

18 February 2011 I think the most powerfully inspiring thing about what I do as both a writer and a producer is having the opportunity to meet the people who are the true heart and soul of our worldwide movement for change.  Out there playing, working and co-creating are hundreds, if not thousands of individuals who have answered a calling to work in the field of empowering young hearts and minds so they may find within themselves the strength they need to be the change we wish to see in the world.  As old systems are examined by us and are being seen to not be working for the betterment

08 Oct 0 Comment

Keeping a Promise

8 October 2010 During my stay in the Philippines I was blessed to be welcomed by the community of a dear friend.  It was during a festival to honor one of the Catholic Saints and it was a weekend to celebrate life and the living of it. Out in the provinces in the small towns these celebrations are a community affair.  Families open their doors to strangers and everybody visits from house to house.  There is music, singing, dancing, a strong sense of fellowship and everywhere there is food. Being an outsider I was asked if I would be willing to walk through the town and speak wi

27 Sep 0 Comment

His Story…

27 September 2010 His Story, That’s what we gathered last night to hear. His story, That’s why we sat huddled around a computer for hours. His story... There were four of us; all different ages, different backgrounds, different beliefs. Two women; both of them mothers, one Canadian, one Filipina.  Two young men; neither of them fathers, one German, one Filipino.  It was a mix of new friends and old in a quiet room at the top of the stairs and for three hours, where we had been and where we were going did not matter. We had joined together for a short time in the

27 Aug 0 Comment

The Dream of STRENGTH…

27 August 2010 I could live a thousand lifetimes and never get back the feeling I first got when walking into SOTH.  I am sure many of you are at the point now where you are asking yourself two key questions.  First how did it start and where is it going to end. The first is answered easily enough; it started with an impromptu trip to the Philippines to begin work on a novel.  When I arrived, I thought that thanks to the information I had been given by a friend, that I had a pretty clear idea of what to expect. I have never been so wrong.  What I found in a world that on the surface