Journey Log

Notes and thoughts along the road to the truth of Strength

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25 Sep 0 Comment

Our Second Teaser Reposted

One of the biggest challenges in the making of Beyond Strength was the need to look at poverty in a new way… We were forced to alter our own perceptions of what it meant to live on the streets, what it meant to have nothing and what it meant to fight for your right to have a better life.  The idea of choosing to live this way was indeed foreign to many of us who worked on the film and it took the exceptionally blunt and bold sharing of one young man to wake us up to the idea that all things in life are in fact a choice.  He was not gentle, nor was he kind in his attempts to wake us up to the truth of life in the streets. Yet his honest and authentic sharing left us with a more clear understanding of the potential for personal growth regardless of your past or the suffering you have endured.  So yes, the harsh reality is that it is a choice, however once the choice is made to fight for a brighter tomorrow, we at Beyond Strength believe that nothing can stand in your way.

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